"There is a thriving sense of community" "Marvellous Manners" "The school is a calm and purposeful place" "Pupils behave well in lessons and want to learn" OFSTED 2023

Little Tors

Welcome to Little Tors!
We are an Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) unit containing pre-school and reception. Being an EYFS unit allows children to join us in pre-school and stay with our fantastic team right the way through to the end of reception. We use two classrooms, connected by open doors to allow the children’s learning to be fluid and supported by all adults in our EYFS team.
Our children have access to a range of creative activities to support their learning in music, arts and crafts, exploration, sand and water play, story telling, mark making, physical activity, PSHE, maths, phonics, and literacy. Our children learn through play in a supportive environment where they will become happy, confident, independent, learners who are inspired to always try their best.
Year 2024-2025
Autumn 2
We hope you have had a lovely half term and are excited to be back with us, ready to learn. 
This term we will be learning all about celebrations and we have some exciting events coming up! 
Autumn 1 2024
Welcome back Little Tors! We are so excited to have you back after the summer holidays. Mrs Sutton is back from maternity leave and we have a new teacher joining our team on Fridays called Mr Prowse. 
This half term we are looking at the topic All about me. We will be talking about ourselves, our families, where we live, where we come from and looking at people from all over the world. 
Receptions you will be starting to learn your phase 2 phonemes! I hope you are looking working hard and looking forward to getting your first book with words in!
We are hoping to get back out on Wellie Walks soon, if you would like to volunteer and come with us please let a member of staff know. 
Mrs Nikita Sutton

EYFs Lead

Sarah Brock

Pre-school Lead

Angela Tyler


Year 2023-2024
Little Tors enjoyed their first Welly Walk of the new year to Moreton allotments. They discovered that the allotments were given numbers in order and used their number recognition skills to tell us the numbers. They also noticed some paw prints and tyre tracks in the frozen mud. They spotted some winter vegetables such as brussel sprouts and looked at the beans that had dried in the pods. Back at school they listened to an information book about signs of winter. They discussed which animals hibernate (including worms) and which do not.
Autumn 2 has been packed full of fun and learning. We have been busy learning about the history of toys and also looking at a range of celebrations! 
We were also able to go on a school trip to iTown this term and had a great time learning about and role playing jobs that we might see in our community or do when we are older.
I hope you all have a lovely Christmas and a Happy New Year! 
Autumn 1:
What a fantastic start to the first half term back. Little Tors have come back and settled in well and have been exploring who we are, our emotions, families and our community. We are also looking at colour and art and how we can use these to express ourselves.
Little Tors have also enjoyed their first lot of PE sessions led by Mr Pierce and are always excited on a Tuesday to do more. They have also been having Cricket lessons on a Friday too which the children have been incredibly enthusiastic about. 

Previous years learning maps